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01e38acffe jem ti fileu ala sajana Czech: Nyní se podíváme na dané obrázek a nahlédneme lokal, kde vytvoříme obrázek. Já prostřednictvím aplikace obrázek začne tyto zložky zpracovávat obrazovky. Portuguese: Agora vamos aplicar a imagem que especificamos na função. Eu uso a função da imagem para tornar cada vez mais fácil trabalhar com aplicativos da IU. Chinese: 我们现在讨论的是指定的图片 我用的图像功能来让用户自己的 UI 所有图片资源都在进行抽象合成 English: Now let's look at the specified image and examine the local location where we'll create an image. I use the image function to make it easier for users to create their own custom UIs. [MUSIC] >> So for example, here. I have the Android Wear application. I have all the assets for my application. Now, let me go to StartActivity2. I'll create a new Android Activity, create a new layout activity, and this is just a new way to create a custom UI. So, let's see what it does. Let's say I have the StartActivity2 activity, and now I have my new layout activity. Let's say we have the GradientLightColor

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